Hi Everyone.
I would like to know if there is any flight school in Bavaria or Germany to complete SPL training in English. kindly provide your valuable suggestions.
I thank you in advance.
Wishing you a healthy life and happy flying.
Kind regards,
Sandeep Krishna
Are you aware you′ll be able to fly Germany-registered microlights (D-M***) only with German SPL?
Hi Sandeep,
I would recommend contacting either the DULV or the DAeC. I′m afraid the bigger hurdle might be the exam. At least for the theory test, I hardly believe that it is available in English. I wish you success
KR Jens
Hi Sandeep,
before any further suggestion: Are you capable of the German language? If not, the Sports Pilot License might not be suitable for you. All the tests are only available in German. Perhaps you′ll want to apply for the LAPL or the PPL-A? Just let us know, we′ll be able to show you the most valuable way to fly in Germany.
Best regards, me
I don't know your Situation, but if you would have a already a foreign ultralight licencense you may apply for " Gastflugregelung" at the DULV.
I did it 6 or 7 years ago to try some and maybe buy a ultralightaircraft in Germany.
This is something like a validation for 6 months.
For longterm I would do a LAPL in english , or a US PPL and a convertion.
Good Luck
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