Jeppesen wit Garmin G3x Touch

Forum - Technik & Flugzeuge
  • Hello,

    Who can help me to fix an issue that i have with my Garmin G3x system with Jeppesen?

    I′ve a double G3x touch system that works fine but what i want is to have all VFR charts from Europe (including Germany)

    Someone told me to order the Jeppesen VFR Europe so i did but now i have the message on my G3x that the Airport Chart Data is locked and the database information tell me that the ChartView Key is enabled.

    Garmin says all settings are good and i have not the right subscription by Jeppesen
    Jeppesen says the subscription is good and it′s a problem by Garmin

    By Garmin i have a subscription of VFR Europe but it is without the German charts.
    By Jeppesen i have a subscription of VFR Europe and it doesn′t work

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