I love it. So true.
Mr. Lucky schrieb:
Cranking a radial engine requires skill, finesse and style. You have to seduce it into starting. It′s like waking up a horny mistress. On some planes, the pilots aren′t even allowed to do it...
Radial engines give a satisfying rattle-rattle, click-click, BANG, more rattles, another BANG, a big macho fart or two, more clicks, a lot more smoke and finally a serious low pitched roar. We like that. It′s a GUY thing...
geil!! :))
@Oliver_K: Bleibt das jetzt so, oder wird die Verkleidung nachher hinten noch rundum eingeschnitten, um daraus eine NACA-Haube zu formen? Das würde die Motortemperaturen wohl absenken und mit Klappen am Austritt ließe sich die Temperatur regeln.
--> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/NACA-Haube
In English:
Does it stay like it is pictured or will you cut the cowling in the further process of production to make it a NACA-cowling? Cutting it would reduce the engine temperatures and by addition of flaps at the end of the cowling temperatureregulation would be an option for the pilot.
--> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NACA_cowling
I will first see what the cooling is like. At the moment the plan is not to make the NACA but to install some baffles and let all the air come out the bottom of the cowl. That way we can minimize dirtying the fuselage with oil if there are any leaks. It also keeps exhaust gasses away from the cabin area. I will keep you posted on this. The cowl is designed so it can easily be change to the NACA if required.
nice handcrafting!
But to be honest, the _Design_ itself is.... uhh... let say... ... not that good :-/
The whole cowling-thing should be muuuch more "rounded up" on the leading edge
and a bit tapered behind the Cylinders - maybe combined with some Air-Outlets
in the tapered section...
At the moment, this whole front-End looks more like a set-in-place
trashcan from Oscar the Grouch - IMHO
BlueSky9 schrieb:Or cut it more and make a "Townend Ring" of it.
The whole cowling-thing should be muuuch more "rounded up" on the leading edge
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