Wezel tödlich verunglückt

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  • Mein Beileid den Angehörigen und Freunden !!


  • verdammte Scheiße!
  • Das ist sehr schade. Er hat uns unser Flugzeug verkauft und war immer sehr kompetent und fair.
  • Aufrichtiges Beileid, auch wenn ich ihn nicht persönlich kannte!
  • Dem kann ich mich nur anschließen!Trotzdem darf die Frage gestellt werden, etwas genaueres über den Flugunfall zu erfahren?Ich frage mich als Rookie immer, wie passiert so etwas den erfahrenen Fliegerhasen?!

  • Pio schrieb:
    Trotzdem darf die Frage gestellt werden, etwas genaueres über den Flugunfall zu erfahren?


    wenn man http://blog.cafefoundation.org/?p=3333 glauben will, ist M.W. beim Erstflug der E-1000, einem (drei?)viersitzigen Elektroflugzeug, welches im Sommer am CAFE/NASA challenge teilnehmen sollte, verunglückt.

  • Tut mir leid, mir liefert http://blog.cafefoundation.org/?p=3333 nur den HTTP-Statuscode "404 Not Found".


  • http://blog.cafefoundation.org/?p=3333 schrieb

    Martin Wezel Lost in Crash of Green Flight Challenge Aircraft

    by Dean Sigler on 05/16/2011

    This weekend, Rec.aviation.soaring reported, “Martin Wezel, well known aerospace engineer who created Flugzeugtechnik Wezel, the German company that builds gliders and microlights under the brands of Apis2, TL, and Viva, died on May 9th,after the crash of his airplane in China.”


    A search led to this confirmation from Michael Coates, also a pilot in the GFC and the U. S. distributor for Pipistrel.

    “Yesterday afternoon in Europe one of the other teams in the competition from the Chinese manufacturer Yuneec were testing their new aircraft the E1000 which they were taking into the competition and unfortunately on the maiden flight something went wrong and the aircraft crashed killing the pilot and destroying the aircraft.

    “The pilot was German, Martin Wezel who was very active in sport aviation not only in Germany but throughout Europe. He has been representing several companies including TL-Ultralight for more than 20 years and he even developed a couple of planes which he went on to sell throughout Europe.

    “More information as it comes to hand but today is a sad day where we have lost a true sporting aviator and a huge contributor to the light aircraft industry.

    “My condolences go out to his wife and family. In memory.”

    Wezel was the designer and distributor for many ultralight and sailplane designs, and had partnered with Yuneec last year to electrify his Viva motorglider. The E1000 was a Yuneec four-seat aircraft which was not unveiled at this year’s Electric Aircraft Symposium because the Chinese manufacturer was not ready to release details.

    We extend our heartfelt sympathies to Martin’s family and friends worldwide.

  • Vielen Dank, aber ich würde den Artikel gerne mal im Original sehen. Der link führt nur zum Http 404 Seite nicht gefunden! Was mach ich da falsch??


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