[English] Does anyone have any recommendations for text books?

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  • I am doing my UL license, but would like to learn the theory in English as my English is far better than German for this.

    Does anyone know any textbooks to read regarding this?

    I have this book which is in German (which is a tough read for me): Ultraleichtfliegen kompakt: Das Grundwissen zur UL-Lizenz.
    Is there something similar in English?

    I came across this: https://www.cat-europe.com/en/shop/training-material-lapl-ppla/
    However maybe someone else has a better option?


  • Hi,

    micro lights are regulated by national law. I guess, most of the literature is published "locally".

    I assume that your chances are best on the Irish or British book market. While this should work for meteorology, flight physics and other general things, the legal part will not comply with German regulations. I do not know if the exams in Germany are available in English yet (I think it is planned but I do not know the currrents status) so be prepared to need German literature in the end.



  • Hey, thanks for the reply.

    And yes I am aware about the legal part and will put the extra mile to learn that in German.
    My plan is to learn the concepts in English which will help me translate easier to German :)

    But as you mentioned things like meterology and aerodynamics for example should be fine to learn the concepts in english.

    Ill see if I can find something there, but so far only found the one CAT book i mentioned.

  • Just sharing something else I found in case someone else stumbles across this question. But will try this:

    EASA Private Pilot Studies: https://www.buecher.de/shop/englische-buecher/easa-private-pilot-studies-bw/croucher-phil/products_products/detail/prod_id/60190867/

  • Hi,

    perhaps this might also be interesting for you? It is in pdf-format, but also obtainable to purchase as hardcover book:


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