Mein persönliches Lieblings(flieger)lied ist "Five Miles Out" von Mike Oldfield.
Five Miles Out was a top ten hit for the popular duo Hall and Oates. Inspired by a treacherous airplane ride over the Pyrenees Mountains, the album prompted Oldfield′s first tour of the United States.
Licensed pilot Oldfield told Billboard: "We flew into a thunderstorm in an unpressurized plane. We couldn′t come down and land because of the mountains....The wings started icing up, and ice on the propellers was coming off in big chunks, smashing against the windowscreen.... It was about an hour but it felt like five years. It actually got to the stage of praying. At least it was an inspiration for an album."
Five Miles Out
Vocals: Mike Oldfield and Maggie Reilly
falling, falling
What do you do when your falling you′ve got 30 degrees and your
stalling out
And its 24 miles to the beacon there′s a crack in the sky and the
warnings out
Don′t take that dive again
Push through that band of rain
Five miles out
Just hold your heading true
Got to get your finest out
Your number 1 anticipating you
Climbing out
Just hold your heading true
Got to get your finest out
Your number 1 anticipating you
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday
Calling all stations
This is Golf Mike Oscar Victor Juliet
In great difficulty
The traffic controller is calling
Victor Juliet your identity
I have lost in the violet storm
Communicate or squawk emergency
Don′t take that dive again
Push through that band of rain
Lost in Static 18
And the storm is closing in now
Automatic 18 - Got to push through - Trapped in living hell
Your a prisoner of the dark sky
The propeller blades are still
And the evil eye of the hurricane′s
Coming in now for the kill
Our hope′s with you - Rider in the blue
Welcome′s waiting, We′re anticipating
You′ll be celebrating, when you′re down, and breaking
Climbing out - climbing climbing
Five miles out - climbing climbing
Five miles out
Just hold your heading true
Got to get your finest out
Climbing Climbing
Five miles out
Just hold your heading true
Got to get your finest out
Climbing Climbing
Climbing out
Just hold your heading true
Got to get your finest out
Climbing Climbing
Five miles out
Just hold your heading true
Got to get your finest out
Climbing Climbing
Climbing out
Just hold your heading true
Got to get your finest out
und natürlich das lied aus: Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines
hab ich die ganze zeit gesummt beim ersten alleinflug (in der c42 -grins)
und seit ich mein eigenes fliewatüüt hab geht mir -->bird of prey<-- von fatboyslim
im kopf rum
gorden, hier ein kleiner vorgeschmack:
einfach unschlagbar der fröbe :-)
Hab hier mal was komplett eigenes produziert. Der Text mit Gesang und Gitarrenbegleitung ist nach einem schönen Flug abends am Lagerfeuer entstanden. Vielleicht habt Ihr auch etwas in der Richtung! Bin mal gespannt!
Hi Jogy,
echt netter Song, schöne Bilder. Gefällt mir sehr.
Vielleicht machste noch ′n Remix mit Banjobegleitung ;)
vom Simulant
PilotAC schrieb:Dieses Video ist aufgrund des Urheberrechtsanspruchs von Mountain Apple Company nicht mehr verfügbar?
Hier etwas ganz gechilltes :-)
Diese Version gefällt mir um einiges besser :-)
R.I.P. Israel
urbansoldier schrieb:
gorden, hier ein kleiner vorgeschmack:
einfach unschlagbar der fröbe :-)
einach ZU GEIL :-)
daaaaadadadadadampfmpfmpf.... :-)
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